We are the youth!

We believe that an essential part of living as the church is teaching our teenagers and young adults how to walk in the Lion, Lamb way. As we walk with our teenagers, we point them to Christ through studying the Bible, worshiping God, asking questions, serving our community, loving our neighbors, and having fun. 

Check out our Summer Calendar here.


Upcoming Events

Hang tight while we look up scheduled events...

Wednesday Evenings

Every Wednesday night we meet to worship God, grow together, and have fun. 

All students from 7th to 12th grade are welcome!

Sunday School

Every Sunday morning we meet to discuss scripture and how it relates to life. 

We have two classes that meet on Sunday mornings: 

  • 6th-12th grade meet with Ashley Smith and Britney Scott

Youth Promise

Youth Promise is a Ministry of Guymon Naz that Helps Students attend Events that are designed for their spiritual growth. 

Youth Promise pay for 75% of the cost of events for eligible students up to $200. For events that cost more than $200, a different percentage will be communicated to the students at the time the event is announced. 

Sounds like an amazing deal! What's the catch? The only catch, is that if a student backs out of an event for a non-emergency related reason, they are required to pay back that money they would have received as youth promise. 

College and Young Adult

Join us Sunday Mornings for Bible Study, Fellowship, and Coffee!