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We'd love to meet you!

Nos encantaría conocerte!

Guymon Church of the Nazarene is located in Guymon, Oklahoma.  Whether you are a Panhandle native or you're just visiting our town, please stop by to say hi.  We love meeting new people and we would love to meet you!

La Iglesia del Nazareno Guymon está ubicada en Guymon, Oklahoma.  Si eres nativo del Panhandle o si simplemente estás visitando a nuestra ciudad, por favor pasa a saludarnos.  Nos encanta conocer a personas nuevas y nos encantaría conocerte a tí!

Location/Dirección: 2214 North Sunset, Guymon, Oklahoma 73942

Phone/Teléfono: 580.338.3553

Email/Correo: office@guymonnazarene.org

Family Communion/Santa Cena Familiar:  9am

Sunday School/Escuela Dominical: 9:30am

Sunday Worship Service/Servicio de Adoración de los domingos: 10:45am

Wednesday Community Meal/Cena de Comunidad de Miercoles: 5:30pm (During school year/durante el año escolar)

Wednesday Discipleship Classes for All Ages/Clases de Discipulado para todas edades: 6:30pm

New Here?  Click here for more info!

  • Listen to our archive of Sunday Services

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  • Here are some helpful resources to accompany the Sunday Sermon

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