“You belong here” is not a marketing slogan to get people to attend services; it is a way of life for our members. This faith journey is not meant to be done in isolation. Before someone comes to believe in the one who has redeemed them, the experience of belonging usually happens first. We desire people to feel the warmth of God’s love through the gift of hospitality.
Our only hope is in Jesus Christ, our Lord. Jesus is The Way, The Truth, and The Life. We want to make room for everyone to say “yes” to Jesus. God’s grace is persuasive enough for an unbeliever to want to follow Him. We want to create space to help people make the personal connection between God’s activity with all of creation and
God’s desire to be in a close relationship with humanity.
God loves us just as we are, but He loves us too much to leave us that way. Those who are following Jesus are becoming more like Jesus. To fully experience this Christian life is to be entirely devoted to Christ and holy habits. Holy habits are best experienced within the community of believers. The holy habits we value are as follows:
Holy Habits
Worshipping together
Doing life together
Reading and studying the Word together Praying together
Serving together
Giving (time, talent, resources)
Sharing the Jesus we know