"Making room for people to Belong, Believe, and Become the People of God."


“You belong here” is not a marketing slogan to get people to attend services; it is a way of life for our members. This faith journey is not meant to be done in isolation. Before someone comes to believe in the one who has redeemed them, the experience of belonging usually happens first. We desire people to feel the warmth of God’s love through the gift of hospitality.


Our only hope is in Jesus Christ, our Lord. Jesus is The Way, The Truth, and The Life. We want to make room for everyone to say “yes” to Jesus. God’s grace is persuasive enough for an unbeliever to want to follow Him. We want to create space to help people make the personal connection between God’s activity with all of creation and

God’s desire to be in a close relationship with humanity.


God loves us just as we are, but He loves us too much to leave us that way. Those who are following Jesus are becoming more like Jesus. To fully experience this Christian life is to be entirely devoted to Christ and holy habits. Holy habits are best experienced within the community of believers. The holy habits we value are as follows:

Holy Habits

Worshipping together
Doing life together
Reading and studying the Word together Praying together
Serving together
Giving (time, talent, resources)
Sharing the Jesus we know

Our Leadership Team

The staff and leadership here at Guymon Church of the Nazarene is comprised of men and women who love, care and pray for every single person in the church. If you have any questions for any of our staff, feel free to reach out and email them or call our church office to speak with them. You can contact the church office at

  • Kason Oakes  - Lead Pastor

    Kason and Casandra where born and raised in the heart of Western Oklahoma. Their roots are deep in the state of Oklahoma. Kason has pastored in the Camp Creek, Vici, Watonga, OK Church of the Nazarene and has been in vocational ministry for over 20 years. He has a BA, MDiv, and Doctorate of Ministry. His doctoral work is focused on reclaiming the work in the rural churches. Casandra is an RN at the Memorial Hospital of Texas County. They and their three boys, Eason, Jace, and Isaac, have been in Guymon since January of 2023.  

  • GEorge C Lambert - Director of worship Art

    George is INCREDIBLY excited to be a part of Guymon Church of the Nazarene! He accepted Jesus into his heart in 1990, and he loves Jesus and music! He has been playing piano for 49 years now and has written many praise and worship songs.  He holds a degree in recording and live sound from the Conservatory of Recording Arts & Sciences as well as having studied music at Emporia State University and Washburn University.  He has been involved in praise and worship for 34 years, having led more than 5,000 services so far, and he loves teaching voice and keyboard to folks of all ages.  George has held the positions of lead pastor, associate pastor, worship pastor, and youth pastor, as he’s served in full-time ministry for more than 20 years.  He also served as president of the Guymon Ministerial Alliance for 3.5 years.  George is the proud father of four grown children and grandfather to one beautiful granddaughter (so far). He and his wife, Lesa, have been joyfully married for 35 years.  

  • Brandon Brady- Pastor of Children's Ministry

    Brandon has performed many roles for Guymon Church of the Nazarene. He was appointed as Children's Pastor in September of 2018 and received his first district license with the Church of the Nazarene in 2021. He is the head band director for Guymon High School along with his wife Hannah who also teaches band at Guymon schools.  He graduated with a Master's of Music from Emporia State University in 2008.  Their two sons Jonas and Cameron keep them happy and busy.

  • Madison Guaman - Associate Pastor

    Madison has served as Associate Pastor at Guymon Church of the Nazarene since January 2024.  Before coming back to her hometown of Guymon, she and her husband, Adrian Guaman, served as volunteer missionaries in Paraguay for 3 years, where they reopened a church that had been closed for almost 20 years.  Before that they served together as missionaries to open a new church in Salta, Argentina.  At the heart of Madison's life and ministry is her call to live a life on mission and help lead others to a relationship with Jesus.  Their daughter Genesis is their smiling reminder of God's faithfulness, love, and grace.

Guymon Church of the Nazarene

2214 North Sunset

Guymon, Oklahoma 73942
