Compassionate Ministries

We believe in compassionately reaching our to others in our community and around the world.  

Listed below are just a few of the ways we engage locally and globally to share the love of Christ.

  • Compassion Appointments

    Need help with a bill this month? 

    We've been there, and we have a fund for that. Call the church to see how much we can help you with and make an appointment to come in and meet with one of our staff members. 

    Be sure to bring your bill, proof of address, and identification for our records.


  • Food Pantry

    Give what you can, take what you need.

    There is a shelf of pantry items located in our south entryway. Please take what you need, and feel free to give back to our community by donating items back. The outer doors are always unlocked, so come by anytime.

    Please do not leave refrigerated or frozen items as we do not have a way to keep them cool in the entryway.

  • Loaves and Fishes Food Cupboard

    Matthew 14:13-21

    During the month of June, our congregation donates time, food, and workers to Guymon's Loaves and Fishes ministry. We make and bring lunch and assist with the food pantry on Tuesdays from 10 am - 4 pm. If you would like to volunteer to help with food distribution and providing meals for the workers, contact Lou Watkins:



    For more information, click on the loaves and fishes picture to the left to check out the Loaves and Fishes Facebook Page.

  • Local Care Kits

    A Community on Mission

    Our Nazarene Missions International committee is collecting needed items for different local organizations two months out of the year for each. There is a large collection box located inside our main lobby. Come inside to see what items are needed. Contact the church office if your local organization is in need.

    January & July: Crisis Pregnancy Center

    February & August: OPSU

    March & September: Lions Club

    April & October: Prison

    May & November: Fire Department

    June & December: Panhandle Partners

  • Recycle for Sight

    Help a child read and learn.

    We have a donation box in our lobby for used eyeglasses in good condition. Our local Lions Club collects the eyeglasses and gets them to children who need a good pair of glasses for free. 

    For more information about Lions Club International Recycle for Sight, click the image to the left.